LUSAKA Magistrate Sylvia Munyinya has declined to recuse herself from handling a matter in which Dan Pule is charged with seditious practices. Magistrate Munyinya wonders how Pule can still have confidence in his two lawyers, Sakwiba Sikota and Retired Major J H Mwaaba, who are also from the Zambezi region, yet not have the same confidence in her. Pule, who is Christian Democratic Party president, asked Magistrate Munyinya to recuse herself from the case because she hails from Southern Province. When the matter came up for a ruling on Pule’s application, Friday, Magistrate Munyinya said she did not sit as a Tonga when presiding over matters, but as an impartial adjudicator. Magistrate Munyinya also wondered how Pule could still maintain...

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