VICE-PRESIDENT Inonge Wina has moved a motion in Parliament to restore Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 and seven others on the order paper.
In her motion, Thursday, Vice-President Wina said this is because the Bills were not concluded in the last session due to the abrupt adjournment of the House caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Madam Speaker, I beg to move that in terms of Standing Order 126 (1) of the National Assembly of Zambia Standing Orders 2016, this House restores unto the order paper the following Bills presented to the House in the previous sessions of the 12th National Assembly: (1) the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Bill 10 of 2019; (2) the National Planning and Budgeting Bill 2012 of 2019; (03) the National Forensic Bill 1 of 2020; (4) the Food and Nutrition Bill of 2020; (5) the Patents and Companies Registration Agency Bill 3 of 2020; (6) the Landlord and Ternant Business Premises Ammendment 4 of 2020; (7) the National Council for Construction Bill 5 of 2020; and (8) the Food Reserve Bill 6 of 2020,” said Vice-President Wina.
“The House may recall that the above Bills were presented to the House in the previous sessions of the 12th National Assembly but were not concluded due to the abrupt adjournment of the House as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Debate on the motion is expected to resume today (Friday).