Mazabuka Central UPND Member of Parliament Gary Nkombo has said the PF are accusing God of things he did not do to justify the country’s failing economy and for this, they’re “hell bound”.
Meanwhile, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo has charged that the opposition is taking advantage of the unfortunate events in the country to get themselves into power, saying some are now being ‘taught’ how to be generous even when they have never been known to be.
Debating President Edgar Lungu’s address during the opening of Parliament, Friday, Nkombo said it was blasphemous for President Edgar Lungu to allege that the problems the country is facing are an act of God (force majeure).
“There are other sectors of the economy that require to be fixed, the President should know that. He said that it was force majeure. Force majeure? Do you know what that means? An act of God. This is why I said that was a blasphemous speech, an act of God. Five percent of the health budget equivalent taken away, an act of God, you are not going to heaven. Hell bound! Hell bound! That’s what is going on here. You cannot accuse God of things such as late payment of civil servants, they don’t get paid on time and that’s why corruption is endemic. Madam speaker, the earlier the Zambian people see the need to show PF the door, the better for themselves. I am not mincing my words; PF deserves to go. The only way to change these things that they are blaming on climate change is to change the government. That’s what we need to do,” Nkombo said.
“For those of you who are glorifying the abomination, the blasphemous act of defaming God, you are going to pay the price one day. Your waterloo is soon coming because the infatuation which the Zambian people had on the PF is now ended.”
He said no Zambian can celebrate the damage the PF have caused to the country.
“Let’s play the song ‘don’t kubeba’ and see how many will dance to it here, no one. It is called social shame. I’m sure inside, they feel it that they have damaged this country. No one normal can dance to ‘Dununa Reverse’ right now, I challenge, I can sing and let’s see if anyone will dance. It was a fiasco; it was scandalous to vote PF into government. You can’t use a bait of delimitation to come and do a law that is diabolical. Don’t pretend, this is real,” said Nkombo.
And Mongu Central UPND member of parliament Mwilola Imakando has described the speech delivered by the Head of State as “confessions of a failing administration”.
“Madam Speaker, I would like to say this speech amounts to the confessions of a failing administration. Let me read out the confessions as I found them in the President’s speech. Madam speaker on page four, ‘did we do enough to put in place early warning systems, maybe not’, and the president is not sure. Madam speaker, ‘I have further seen small businesses such as makeshift stalls, locally known as ‘tuntemba’ shutting down as they failed to cop with business due to load shedding’. Confessions of a failing administration. Madam speaker, ‘some health facilities going without power for long periods of time’, confessions of a failing administration. Madam speaker, ‘stop pointing fingers at each other’, I suppose this means our colleagues on the right,” said Imakando.
“Madam Speaker, the President admits that they have failed to grow the economy at the desired pace. The president is admitting that his government will have no money to run institutions at 9.9 percent, the government is broke. Confessions of a failing administration…the president is admitting that we do not have adequate resources. Madam speaker, the people of Western Province were expecting to hear something about funding universities so that Lewanika University could be funded. Madam Speaker, the people of Western Province were looking to hear that the Shikongo-Kalabo road will be completed so that we can have new markets in Angola, Madam Speaker, and no such inspiration.”
Meanwhile, Kampyongo, in clear reference to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema who recently donated mealie meal and other food stuffs to starving Zambians, said some people were being taught how to be generous.
“…Even a grade seven listening to this would be shocked to hear some of the debates happening in this house. The president is saying ‘here is the challenge; all of you who are elected representatives of the people must be part of the solution’. But you see, because of this hate and wanting to think that when there is something undesirable happening in the country, you can just take advantage and come to this side of the house, it doesn’t work like that. People of Zambia are clever. We know that out of this phenomenon, even people who didn’t know how to be generous, and you know when you are being taught to be generous, people will say it that we have known you never to be generous,” alleged Kampyongo.
“You have sent people into misery by selling their assets and consuming their money, so today you can’t deceive us. You claim to be rich, how did you become rich? And I want to tell you, there was our former MP here, a man called ‘Shi Chilekwa’, very generous man and I think if there is something he has done in this country and he must be praised for, it is to change those greedy people to start becoming generous. Shi Chilekwa, kudos to you, (Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba) GBM, because we have to be a very person and he joined people who were not.”