PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema’s political advisor Levy Ngoma has filed a complaint with the police after being linked to the recent abduction of Emmanuel Jay Banda. Ngoma has filed a complaint against Banda, Sakwiba Sikota, Saboi Imboela, Thomas Zgambo, and Sean Tembo. Over the weekend, Banda’s lawyer, Sikota, said his client told the police that State House officials Clayson Hamasaka and Ngoma, along with a UPND youth leader, were allegedly involved in his abduction. But Hamasaka laughed off the allegations, saying he had never met the Petauke Central MP in his life and would report him to the police for defaming his character. Meanwhile, yesterday Ngoma lodged a complaint at Lusaka Central Police Station over the allegations. Ngoma’s lawyers, Chanza Sikazwe...

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