Things have changed a lot in the last ten years. There are now more products and services available that people want and need. What used to be hard to find is now just a click away. This easy access has led to an even greater demand. You can spot many delivery riders on the streets, picking up and dropping packages. Have you ever considered who these delivery people are – taking advantage of all these opportunities? These are the people who are trying to save up — for their weddings, for paying school fees, for meeting day-to-day expenses. Every innovation brings with it ample growth opportunities. With businesses moving online, riders have become an essential link between businesses and consumers. All across the globe, delivery riders have multiplied over the years.
Becoming a delivery rider has given much-needed life support to struggling, jobless youths. The road to being a rider is not an easy one. Notwithstanding, the charm amongst the youth of being a delivery boy and earning sufficient money has revived hopes. There are many stories of young boys who worked their way up to becoming a rider. These boys save up money by working as gardeners, part-time brick layers, digging their heels in menial work like cleaning, and sweeping to finally realize their goal of a delivery rider.

As it is often remarked that grass is always greener on the other side; the reality is stark when one finally begins a foray into deliveries. The initial investment in securing a loan for the motorbike and resultant payoffs thereby – push these riders to work long hours. The odd working hours and continuous driving of motorbike lead to the extinguishing of inceptive euphoria. Rising fuel costs and company policies regarding incentives come as an aberration in the ill-perceived plans. Not all is lost for the riders, they must make money considering the ever-increasing number of riders on the roads. The biggest challenge arises for these riders when they are duped by customers. To pay out of their pockets for the food ordered and not accepted is the biggest setback. In certain places timed deliveries stress the riders to the point of exhaustion. Irregularities in the order delivered are conveniently placed on riders. Riders do become easy targets when there is a hitch in the delivery process – right from order received to order delivered. Riders also face the wrath of abusive customers. With so much emphasis on urgency and time-saving aspects of delivery, riders are no longer viewed as individuals. They are solely perceived to exist for the comfort of the consumers.

Delivery riders are an integral part of the immediate future. Their role in the scheme of consumerism cannot be easily negated. Owing to this vast need, riders are also becoming flippant about their work. Overworked, lack of better incentives, and negative ratings leave an impact on the quality of work performed by riders. In sporadic incidents, riders have blatantly scammed both the businesses and the consumers. The consequential fallouts create a gap but with many waiting in the wings to take over the role of riders, the gap reduces. This unique three-way relationship between businesses, riders, and customers is here to stay with all the negatives and positives that trudge along with it.
A delivery rider has to navigate physical roads and mental ones too!!!

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