ZCCM-IH has disclosed that it will provide a US$15 million loan for Maamba Energy’s 300 MW Phase II Power Plant Project, while approximately US$300 million will be financed by a consortium of lenders. Recently, ZCCM-IH announced that Maamba Energy had reached an agreement with anchor lenders regarding financing for the construction and installation of an additional 300-megawatt power plant. In a statement, Wednesday, ZCCM-IH Company Secretary Charles Mjumphi stated that the $15 million loan from ZCCM-IH will have a tenor of 10.25 years from the start of construction. “Shareholders are referred to the announcement dated 10th July 2024 wherein the Board of ZCCM Investments Holding Plc (‘ZCCM-IH’ or the ‘Company’) informed shareholders and the market that Maamba Energy Limited (‘MEL’),...

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