A video footage has gone viral on social media in which a dizzied up Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe is filmed addressing some PF supporters.
The unstable-looking Lusaka Central member of parliament is heard campaigning for PF Mayoral candidate Miles Sampa, but not in her usual eloquent manner, but rather in a drunken stupor-style of articulation.
“I want to support the candidacy of Miles…. Sampa… Bwalya. In supporting that, what I want to say is…. that Lusaka Central where I’m member of parliament, is strongly supporting that candidate! And in supporting that candidature, I want to eeeh… encourage the people in Lusaka Central, there is no other choice! There’s one choice. The choice is Miles Sampa! Okay? There’s no other choice,” Mwanakatwe says as the cadres are heard cheering her.
The minister was seen getting distracted by her hair while speaking in a loud and sometimes whisper voice with unusual poses.
This is the person that is going to support me as MP to bring about the development that you would want in Lusaka Central. And in doing that we are recognising… the different demographics in Lusaka Central,” she says as the cadres interject with jeering.
“We have the likes of Bauleni, we have the likes of… of… eh Chibolya, (pointing) which is partially Lusaka Central, partially Kanyama. We are saying what this team is bringing to Lusaka Central, to Lusaka Province is a combination of ndime and… thing for the people. And Miles Sampa in Lusaka Province despite… seven constituencies, we are…the different demographics that are at hand. We want Lusaka to progress, Lusaka Central.”
Towards the end of the footage which has been shared on the News Diggers! Video channel the cadres are heard encouraging each other to clap for Mwanakatwe.
“Batoteleniko bamayo balelanda ifyamano.”
Take a look: