A 31-year-old woman of Ndola’s Chipulukusu compound has appeared in the Magistrates’ Court for throwing her baby in a pit latrine.

In this case, Lydia Mwenshi is charged with Infanticide, contrary to the laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that on December 9, 2020 in Ndola, Mwenshi by willful act or omission, caused the death of her child, being a child under the age of 12 months.

Mwenshi was this month arrested after she was reported to have thrown her baby after giving birth.

Mwenshi appeared before Ndola Principal Magistrate Obbsyter Musukwa for explanation of the charge.

Mwenshi told court that she understood why she was before court.

Mwenshi could, however, not take plea as the matter is only triable by the High Court.

Magistrate Musukwa told Mwenshi that she will appear for a mention on January 11, 2020 as the state awaits instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions.