DRUG Enforcement Commission (DEC) Director General Nason Banda says Tasila Lungu’s forfeited farm is 614.8 hectares and houses livestock and wildlife such as zebras and kudus. And Banda says the Commission will target anyone who has stolen from the state. Meanwhile, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Gilbert Phiri says the fight against corruption is not targeted at individuals. Yesterday, Banda and Phiri toured Tasila’s forfeited farm ‘Kumawa Ranch’ which has among other things, fish ponds, chicken runs, zebras, kudus, impalas, a three bedroomed dwelling house, a tractor, a motorcycle and a quad bike. Speaking during the tour, Banda explained that the ranch had different types of animals. “The farm number is F/2278 and the extent is 614.8 hectares. So, from...