JUSTICE Minister Mulambo Haimbe says the decision by DPP Gilbert Phiri to revoke former KCM liquidator Milingo Lungu’s immunity from prosecution is legal. Last week, Phiri, who was recently redeployed from the Anti-Corruption Commission to the National Prosecution Authority, announced that the immunity conferred on Lungu by former Director of Public Prosecutions Lillian Shawa Siyunyi had been revoked. This prompted a statement from Lungu’s lawyer, Makebi Zulu, who argued that the action was illegal, unattainable and contemptuous. “That can’t be done, it is illegal, you can’t do that. It is not attainable. It is bound by what the predecessors did. You can’t do that. Over and above, it is contemptuous, the matter is in court; the court is dealing with...