POLICE in Mazabuka have arrested four people for attempting to overthrow Chief Mwanachingwala. According to a police report released, Friday, by Southern Province Police Commissioner Auxensio Daka, the incident occurred between October 16 and November 3 at village Six, in Chief Mwanachingwala area of Mazabuka district. Daka said a report of unlawful assembly was received from Mutelo Mwanachingwala aged 68, who reported on behalf of Chief Mwanachingwala that a group of people had unlawfully assembled at a named Muyenga Hanyinde’s residence. He said Richard Chizoma 48, Jones Malambo 65, Chemisty Munyaka 44 and Mukuba Mwanachingwala 62 have been arrested and charged with Undermining the Authority of the Chief, contrary to the laws of Zambia. It is alleged that the group,...