WE watched President Edgar Lungu’s national address with a strong sense of solicitude. Many things didn’t appear right. While declaring war on the COVID-19 pandemic, our President appeared to be in a state of defeat already; not only from the Coronavirus, but from other things as well. He did not sound like a General in good shape to inspire hope in his troops on the battle front, he appeared weak and fragile. We felt very bad, our Head of State was not his usual self. After his speech, we understood why the President had been keeping away from national television and withdrawn from the public lately.
Whatever is going on is for the appropriate authorities to take care of and hopefully update the nation at an appropriate time. We thank him for making the effort to meet people’s demands under visibly strenuous circumstances. In fact, the message we got from President Lungu’s address is a desperate call of help. We saw it in his eyes, his body language and tone of voice that he was raising a white flag. He was sending a message that we are at war with a vicious alien. He was signalling for truce and ceasefire among friendly forces within the country so that we can all unite against a common enemy.
Dear readers, countrymen and women, here is the message: the Coronavirus disease is real and it is coming for every single one of us. This is no time to start pointing fingers at the Patriotic Front or President Lungu. If there is one thing that should unite Zambians now more than ever before, it is this disease. Zambia’s existence is under threat. Our country doesn’t have near the capacity needed to fight this virus. COVID-19 is no longer lurking around, it is here, living among us.
We need, all of us, to stand up and help the President and his government. Unfortunately, the pandemic has hit us at a time when our economy in already in turmoil. We need the brains of this country, at home and abroad, to converge, reach out to the President and offer solutions. No single genius has the ability to find solutions for what awaits us in the next few weeks, months. It is time to stand and fight for the survival of our country as a united force. World super powers are crumbling out there, the so-called ‘great nations’ have failed to contain the spread of this devastating virus.
It is time for Zambian citizens to take individual preventive measures. Every contribution will go a long way to slow down the spread of this disease. Don’t wait for tomorrow, act now! Don’t just post memes and jokes about the pandemic, while ignoring the health guidelines that have been issued. People will die! We will perish if we take this lightly. Unfortunately, for Zambia, things don’t appear to be in order within the Executive. Zambia is in a bad place right now because it is very evident that we are also battling a leadership deficiency.
If everything was okay, our President would have called for a meeting with all the key players; heads of the financial sector, basic needs distributors and retailers, pharmaceutical companies, transport operators, food producers and suppliers, not to mention health experts, including those in the private sector as well as tourism operators, to constitute a high-powered public/private committee to come up with recommendations and also a high-powered committee to oversee and monitor the situation.
This is not a fight for President Lungu and his Cabinet, or the so-called ministerial committee. What do they know? It is common knowledge that a good number of President Lungu’s Cabinet members are as ignorant as a common person. They have no special skills relevant to the prevailing threat. In other words, they are in power, but rather hopeless and useless.
We need brains that can generate rescue plans. Hospitals will soon run out of space, if this was not already the case even before the virus hit home soil. Has the government talked to hotel owners to discuss how their facilities could be turned into emergency treatment centres? We all know the problem here, but what is the solution?
The Minister of Health has told members of the public that government has designated an isolation centre in Chilanga, Lusaka. What about those who get exposed from Kasumbalesa border? Where will they be quarantined? What about those who get infected from Kazungula border? How will they be transported to Chilanga?
We believe that the President ordered a suspension of all international flights at three other international airports because there is a concern about screening effectiveness at these facilities, so where does this leave the numerous other border points around the country? We are in trouble and we need critical decisions to be made now, today!
We have heard the President express concern that closing the borders would render us even more vulnerable because, as a landlocked country, we are dependent on imports. That’s correct, but we are not dependent on human imports, we survive by imported goods. In this case, the right thing to do is to shut down human traffic at all borders, including airports and leaving a free flow of cargo traffic. This will significantly reduce the spread of the virus on our homeland. We expect our economic advisors at State House to be sharing such ideas with the President. But like we stated, we seem to have a leadership deficiency in the midst of this crisis.
This is why we are calling on all well-meaning citizens to make individual contributions to stop this disease. The good news is that no Zambian is accusing another of causing this problem. We are all in agreement that the enemy here is an alien. This should unite us. Please make a difference, even by choosing to stay home during this period, if you can. We are at war!
‘Corona’ is at the mall near you, it’s at your church, at school, in your street, at your favourite restaurant. Don’t be brave; if you go to a gun fight armed with a spray, you will die! Retreat!
25 responses
I agree with the author of this article let out down out party arms and unite against this invisible enemy it knows no party no riches no poverty it strikes like a wind. One Zambia one nation together we can
Indeed we all need to put our heads together. We cannot expect the President to do everything. Your Excellence please call all Opposition and Church Leaders to discuss the way forward. One Zambia one Nation.
U are
right, its never too late……it’s not Gud to c someone drowning n sympathize after his gone!
Well articulated,there alot of sense in this. Wish the president could come across this article or his advisor
In as much as Zambians would like to help and contribute to the welfare of our country, such help cannot be rendered haphazardly, this is where leadership kicks in. It is for this reason we put people in power,. To guide direct and supervise, otherwise, it would be mayhem.
Good and patriotic advice to all well meaning Zambians. Let the President involve all political parties Presidents for advise and that will bring on board all Zambians for this fight.
Love the comments, but my advice is that Lungu should be brave enough to call the opposition to work together as any other civilized nation in this fight against a pandemic virus,
Lock down is the remedy at the moment. Travellers are moving this virus. Let’s lock down on phases if we can. We lock down for a week, treat the current patients and assess the situation. This is not the time to talk about economy , prevention is better than cure. STOP THOSE BRINGING THE VIRUS. we need to isolate this nation from other epicenters. .
Really? Or is it that they do not fund what will not put them in office. They can afford campaign material for 2021, why not use the same campaign money to finance the lockdown?
By now I thought the opposition leaders would have come out to offer support to this fight instead of waiting for invitation letters. Business community from both public & private must also offer some resources and avoid trying to profit from the bad situation.
As individuals we must also play our part by following the guidelines issued in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Government on its on cannot & will not save us if we just sit back & wait for our government to do everything for us.
Those with good ideas bring them through proper channels & in a good manner.
This is no time to criticize the government without offering solutions.
Zambia chalo chesu let us unite & conquer this alien in our midst.
This is not about Lungu, it’s about everyone, we all what we have to do to stay safe, why are you making this issue a political problem? This thing affects you and your family too. Making this political and finding someone to blame is very shallow.
Great thought of unification and candid appeal to each one of us. Let us unite and fight together.
Good statement! Its unfortunate for the country that Lungu and colleagues are literally inviting Covid into Zambia. Malawi and Bostwana do have a single coronavirus case, but their leaders acted swiftly to close the airport to all international flights. Why cant Lungu do the same? Take, Malawi their economy is not in good shape but they figured it is much easier to deal with the effects of closing the borders than the spread.
Assuming the current leadership will accept well thought ideas, who should these ideas be directed to? Can they provide a contact person? I sent text message to some top people but clearly there is no response for me to share what else can be done in the wake of corona virus. One can have ideas, but is there someone in authority willing to listen??? It is disappointing.
Sikavizya W.M. – BVM, MSC, PhD.
It’s a nice article, I think president Lungu have seen this article. People like you are needed to speak for Zambians.
It’s a nice article, a good advisor to the Zambian leadership. I think they have got your contribution, in Zambian history it’s a strange economy crisis we are going through since independence. Our neighbouring countries are even asking about Zambian government for intervention.
Dear Editor, I am living in Lusaka, have already started the fight against Corona Virus, by spreading awareness among fellow Zambians. As you said we need to help Govt. Now virus can’t identify who is who, it just doesn’t spare anyone. All we need to do is stay home and break the chain. Be home stay safe don’t panic.
This message is powerful let us unite and fight together let’s help our president
Good message of solidarity.
The only thing we need now is to unite as one and fight this deadly disease together. Apart from that we also need to be submissive, in the sense that we follow the instructions given to us by the state, meaning that if we have to distance ourselves from our dear loved ones when talking to them, lets do it for the safety of everyone and the nation at large. Above all let as put our prayers together and cry to God for help only he alone can save as from this pandemic attack. GOd is the only one who can help as, even the Bible say with God all things are possible, what seems to be difficult to as, to God is possible. W
Yes we can stop this so called Covid 19 from spreading by first informing the public what this Covid 19 really is and what are the symptoms one expects to see if he or she has Covid 19 and what is needed to be done in order to prevent it from spreading to our beloved ones. I know that this may sound funny but its true, there are so many people out there who only hear, Corona Virus Corona Virus but they don’t know what this Corona Virus really is. The only thing they know is that there is Corona Virus and it kills but they don’t know much about it. For instance if you want to prove this theory try to ask 10 to 20 people what Corona Virus is and what are the symptoms and how do we prevent ourselves from getting this so called Corona Virus?
You will get funny answers that you would even shake your head of what your hears will hear. There is this say which say ‘the devil you know is better that the Angel you don’t know’ knowledge is power. people need to know everything they need to know about this so called Corona Virus for them to actively participate in preventing and combating this deadly disease. The government also has to give out emmegercy numbers to the public to make sure that if one notice the symptoms in his or her beloved ones calls for help because this battle is not for the government only or for an individual but its for everyone. Therefore we need to put our hands together and work hand in hand with the government to save our lives, our beloved ones and our country from this deadly disease.
However, to defeat this deadly disease we all need to be alert all the time our hears and our eyes should be always wide open. Let as also stop finger pointing
Beneficial and encourages words ,thanks for information, as its stated let’s unite and fight together as all ,government has nothing to fight against this pandemic .our Zambian economy as Alredy ………. ……… Our president listen to the views of people ,from your fellow politicians work together
While some of your points you have raised are good they have been spoiled by your negativity about the effectiveness of the president. In life one of difficult things any human being can do is to accept advice from someone who has no regard for him. Some of the advice that is offered by opposition oriented media is not offered with good intentions. If you dont want to help, like Prime TV, just leave the people in government do their job. There are people in government more educated and intelligent than you. While the president may consider advise from any Zambian I dont think he can welcome advice from anyone who shows disrespect for him. We must have respect for one another. I don’t the people you campaign for will ever achieve what they want because of their politics of hatred.
In times like these, it makes no sense for us as Zambians to be divided. We really need to stand together and make this work.
My advice to the government is to implement a lockdown as soon as possible.
You are right this has affected the nation and a nation is made up of people not edgar Lungu alone, tiyende pamozi namutima umo tiyende pamozi namutima umo……..