THE Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) has disclosed that Switzerland was Zambia’s largest export market in April 2024, accounting for 44.9 percent of export earnings. ZamStats Statistician General Goodson Sinyenga also revealed that South Africa was the country’s major source of imports, accounting for 29.5 percent of the import bill. In a monthly bulletin, Sinyenga revealed that China accounted for 77.9 percent of Zambia’s exports to Asia. “Switzerland was the largest market for Zambia’s exports in April 2024 accounting for 44.9 percent of export earnings. Asia was the second largest market for Zambia’s exports accounting for 28.9 percent of export earnings. Within this grouping, China was the dominant market with 77.9 percent followed by India 10.7 percent. Other notable markets in...