IT’S okay to call them Pirates of the Kariba’n because people think Dora Silya and other hijackers of Michael Sata’s Patriotic Front are happy.
But I can tell you the feeling is horrible for them, especially that the pundits who set course for the voyage are jumping off one by one.
However, give it to the PF defectors for the wise decision. You see, if you are staying with your mother and a stepfather, and your mother dies, and your stepfather marries another woman, you have no more justification for staying in that house.
That’s why I don’t agree with Edith Nwakwi who thinks only those defecting to UPND are political vultures.
I think Nawakwi also desperately want’s State House because her bowels have been rumbling for years.
If there is any person who is making the correct analysis out of this right now, it’s comrade Kabimba.
WYNTER Kabimba: “I have travelled across Southern Province and I can tell you that not every person there believes in UPND. There are many people in that province who are Rainbow Party members.”
True. In fact, not long ago, over 30 MMD, UPND and PF members, including former Livingstone district commissioner Paul Sensele defected from politics to join the Rainbow Party.
That’s it for today
Twitter: @jmwenda29
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