There was never a time when it looked like Candidate Edgar Lungu would be a good President.
It was always clear that our democratic, economic and social gains would all regress under him. But somehow, we bought into the twaddle of a humble President blah blah. PF being the first to allow his bizarre rise to office.
Then they shielded him from any real interaction with the public that would allow citizens to see the vacuum at the centre of man’s candidature. Well here we are now. Not too many citizens could have imagined Zambia so divided, so violent, Ministers that promise to murder citizens, words like terror bandied around with no care for what they mean.
It is up to citizens now to decide which Zambia they want? Do they want this new Zambia to stay? It will not only stay but get worse if we allow this President, these Ministers to continue to have their way with absolutely no citizen checks.
This is not the time to retreat in fear. Do not break the law but speak up. Make it clear to power holders the Zambia you want. They serve at your pleasure.
One Response
We promise not give away this country to ruins. There were there before and they were defeated. Its darkest before dawn. The Lord is always on the side of the oppressed.