Roan PF member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili has sued the Times of Zambia and its reporter Chila Namaiko in the Lusaka High Court for defamation of character.

Kambwili is demanding exemplary damages over a what he termed as a false and libelous statement published in the newspaper and attributed to PF cadre Munir Zulu.

In the said article, Zulu alleged that Kambwili was a corrupt man who amassed wealth by bulldozing some mining companies on the Copperbelt to award contracts to his company Mwamona Investment Limited.

Kambwili, in his statement of claim, stated that he has been injured by the utterances.

He availed that his credibility and reputation had been brought into scandal, odium and contempt in the right thinking members of the society.

Kambwili has also sued Daily Nation for a similar article.

Others sued in their individual capacities are President Edgar Lungu’s press aide Amos Chanda, PF cadres; Zulu, Chanoda Ngwira and Ibrahim Mwamba.