In this audio, Chief government spokesperson Dora Siliya confirms that Zambia has stopped renowned Kenyan Professor Patrick Lumumba from entering the country for security reasons.
Professor Lumumba was invited to attend a graduation ceremony at Eden University and later feature on a Diamond TV-organised discussion forum on Chinese Investments in Africa.
“Yes I can confirm that Professor Patrick Lumumba, a national of Kenya I believe, has been denied entry into Zambia by the Ministry of Affairs’ Immigration Department. You know the ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration Department is a security and they work with other security wings both internally and beyond our borders; and it is upto them to make a determination in Zambia’s public interest and public interest of people who can be allowed to enter the country or denied,” said Dora.
“We saw recently a similar example of our national Laura Miti who was denied entry into South Africa. They don’t have to give an explanation. We trust that they make judgment based on national security. So it’s the same case here, and I just spoke with the Minister of Home Affairs and he has confirmed that they did deny Professor Lumumba entry for security reasons. That is good enough for government because they have the responsibility of looking after the nation.”
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When contacted, a representative of Eden University said the Institution’s leadership was devastated with the news as they could not understand why the Professor was not allowed entry into Zambia.
“He wasn’t even allowed to get out of the place, he just sent a text message to say we have been denied entry into Zambia. He said maybe its the topic of discussion that government was uncomfortable with, but that was not about Zambia,” said George, who is one of the organisers.
“I can’t even think straight right now, looking at the money we have spent on this, and also a lot of people had bought tickets for the event. Even this morning people were still coming, so we have to start refunding them. I can’t believe this, at first I thought it was a joke.”