Sports in Action Lusaka (SIA) has appealed to netball, volleyball and football league HV organizers that run league games for all under-20 teams to be releasing young players before 19:00 hrs.

Lusaka province SIA director Frank Muchindu said in an interview yesterday that his organization is usually put in an awkward position explaining to parents why their children reach home after 19:00 hrs.

Muchindu noted that if the young sportsmen and women were released beyond the permitted timeframe, it would be difficult to win and maintain parents’ trust and to build formidable sports teams.

“When we absorb these children into our sports system, we also assume the responsibility of making sure they go back to their various homes on time. So league games organizers should ensure their games do not go beyond 18:00 hours hrs so that parents receive their children on time,” he said.

He appealed to organizers of different leagues where SIA teams are a part not to project their inefficiencies onto Sports in Action.

Muchindu also emphasized SIA only absorbs sportsmen and women below the age of 22 years who, from time to time are offered mentorship workshops on good conduct and outdoor responsibility. “Sports in action understands how hard it can be to lead teenagers so we come up with programmes that equip these youngsters with survival skills and responsible behaviour after sports,” he said.

Muchindu said his office always endevours to keep the young sportsmen and women behavior in check in order to win parents’ trust.