WE used to tell you that running a country is not a joke, simasobela iyayi, ukakuta chimbala ati nifunonkala President, chakukola chimbala, wakolewa chimbala, says President Hakainde Hichilema. And President Hichilema has warned those talking about coup d’états that they will be visited. Meanwhile, President Hichilema says there is need to remedy the situation of files going missing at the courts. Speaking in Chinika ward of Lusaka’s Kanyama constituency yesterday, President Hichilema said governing was not easy. “We used to tell you that running a country is not a joke, simasobela iyayi. Ukakuta chimbala ati nifunonkala President, chakukola chimbala, wakolewa chimbala (Running a country is not a joke, it’s not child’s play. After you get stuffed on nshima from the...

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