THE Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Chirundu has arrested Mathews Mashapi, Director of Works at Kalomo District Council for corruption involving £41,350 and a Toyota Hilux. In a statement, Saturday, ACC Head of Corporate Communication Timothy Moono stated that Mashapi allegedly received a Toyota Hilux as a reward in order to facilitate payment of £41,350 to Techimiya Commercials before equipment had reached Walvis in Namibia as per agreement. “The Anti-Corruption commission (ACC) in Chirundu has arrested Mathews Mashapi, Director of works at Kalomo District Council for corruption involving £41,350 and a Toyota Hilux. Mr. Mathews Mashapi, aged 49, of High cost, Chirundu town council in Chirundu District has been charged with one count of corrupt practices by Public Officer contrary to...