THE Patriotic Front has likened the UPND’s election victory in Kwacha and Kabushi to one of the comedy series, ‘Mr Bean’, in which the comedian bought himself Christmas cards and later celebrated after receiving them. UPND has scooped the controversial Kabushi and Kwacha Parliamentary by-elections with 6,553 and 6,596 votes, respectively. Kabushi UPND candidate Bernard Kanengo polled 6,553 votes, whilst his closest contender Richard Kalasa, an independent candidate, got 4,607 votes. Leadership Movement’s Osias Telela got 226 votes, while another independent candidate Alfred Yombwe, got 81 votes. In Kwacha, UPND’s Charles Mulenga polled 6,596 votes, beating Lawrence Kasonde an independent candidate, who got 1,258 votes. Shadrick Mumba of UPPZ polled 370, followed by Economic Freedom Fighters’ Jayawardane Ashani with 284...

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