UNIVERSITY of Zambia Public Relations students on Friday toured Trade Kings Group, learning more about its manufacturing prowess.

Speaking after the tour, Trade Kings Group Public Relations Manager Bridget Kambobe said the tour was part of the commemoration and celebration of the World Public Relations day which fell on July 16.

“Trade Kings has been part of the commemorations and celebrations of the World Public Relations Day which falls every year on the 16th of July. A part of activities that we have engaged includes partnering with the Zambia Institute of Public Relations during a donation that was donated to the Matero After Care jointly with us and of course other cooperating partners. And today, we also as part of the activities to commemorate the role and strides that PR continues to make in the world as a profession, we decided to host university students on a tour. The objective was perceived from two fronts, the first one is first and foremost, through the foundation, the Trade Kings has contributed to a number of scholarships and for us of course the University of Zambia has been one of our key partners,” she said.

“We have assisted and helped a number of students but the University of Zambia has particularly been one of the Universities that we have supported students that are getting their degrees from the University”.

Kambobe said they wanted to give the students an appreciation of what the Trade Kings brand looked like from the manufacturer’s point of view.

“So first and foremost, it was for us to give them an appreciation of what the Trade Kings brand looks like for purposes of the fact that they are the future PR professionals. They are the future PR experts and for that reason, we thought that it was important to enhance the relationship that we continue to develop with them by exposing them to the behind the scenes of the Trade Kings story. And secondly, we believe in investing in the future, the students especially, I am sure you noticed that it’s mostly third year and fourth year students that are doing communications, those are nearly at the end of their degrees and for us, a part and parcel of the objective is the fact that investing information in them is key. It’s also to show that as they grow into their professions and the world commemorates PR, they need to start placing value on their profession not only as individuals but collectively as influencers,” said Kambobe.

“Now, public relations experts have a way of facilitating change, they are the ones that impact society, true brands that are offered by various organisations including Trade Kings and so the tour was of course to give them an appreciation but secondly, to just as we commemorate world PR Day, to instil a sense of value in them. They are important, they are influencers, they are not only influencers, they are the future of the profession so that was the key objective of us hosting them today”.