National Democratic Congress (NDC) vice-president Joseph Akafumba says in 2021, citizens will be expected to choose between electing a government that will govern through Jesus Christ or keep the leadership of criminals like Barabbas in the Bible.
Speaking when he officiated at a musical concert in Kuomboka compound in Lusaka, Sunday, Akafumba regretted that the current crop of government leaders had subjected Zambians to abject poverty and had no regard for the role of the Church.
“In 2021 ourselves as NDC, just like Jesus Christ will be faced with one person. You will have to choose between Barabbas and Christ. Let me hear from you who will you choose between Barabbas and Christ? Go out and preach to our colleagues out there and tell them that an opportunity is coming for this nation to redeem itself. Brothers and sisters and fellow Christians, this nation needs you more than ever before. We are going through difficulties. Just like I said earlier; dipping your hands in public coffers is unchristian; having unexplained property, which you cannot account for, is unchristian. Part of Christianity is doing that which Jesus did,” said Akafumba.
He pledged that an NDC government would ensure that freedom of worship is fortified.
“The importance of the Church in this country cannot be overemphasised. Without you, colleagues [from the church], this nation would be lost. What immediately comes to mind is where there was the National Dialogue Forum, where there was no dialogue. But it was the ruling party topic itself and they made resolutions, which will affect all of us. This is the reason why you should continue praying. I want to tell you this, colleagues, that under the NDC government, your freedom of worship will be fortified. He who plays with the Church risks ending up in hell!” Akafumba cautioned.
He urged the Church to continue praying for the country’s political leaders.
“Fellow citizens, Zambia is a Christian nation as prescribed in our Constitution. We chose to be a people who practice Christianity and being a Christian nation means that you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Being a Christian means you love your fellow man as you love yourself. God created man in his own image. Therefore, the closest you can get to God is through man. Therefore, if you let your fellow men suffer, it will be a sin. To incarcerate your colleagues who are not guilty is a sin. To subject your fellow citizens to poverty and hunger is a sin! To arrest your political opponents and make them appear in the courts of law every day is a sin! Therefore, ourselves, as Christians, we have to continue praying for all our leaders. Our leaders have got no ears, so we must continue praying for them,” said Akafumba.