LUSAKA Magistrate Ireen Wishimanga has warned that she will close PF faction Secretary General Raphael Nakacinda’s defence at the next sitting if he doesn’t produce witnesses. Nakacinda had subpoenaed Chief Justice Mumba Malila and President Hakainde Hichilema’s Political Advisor Levy Ngoma to testify in his defence but they were, however, not before court yesterday. This is in a matter in which Nakacinda is charged with defamation of the President. It is alleged that Nakacinda on December 13, 2021, in Lusaka, with intent to bring the name of President Hakainde Hichilema into hatred, ridicule and contempt, caused to be published defamatory matter by word of mouth, where he addressed people at the High Court of Zambia that ‘His Excellency President Hakainde...

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