For a country to develop, the citizens must be productive, and for them to be productive, they must be healthy. It denotes, health and development complement each other; it means, they are inseparable.
 Health – a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
 Development – The process of growing or changing and becoming more advanced.
 Education – is to prepare a person for the eudemonic life.

What Is Tenable
The world is divided into continents, and the continents are divided into countries, and these countries are further subdivided for easy leadership, management, and governance. Geopolitically, each of these countries holds a unique position and is endued with abundant primeval resources to sustain and prolong the lives of its people. Zambia is a country; therefore, Zambia must be in a position to sustain and prolong the lives of its people, Q.E.D.

The Key to Unlock the Nature
In order to enjoy and get the best out the natural resources, there are two inherent fundamentals that must be known by the citizens of any country, viz: The Universal Truth and The Order of Nature, these are dispassionate and highly impassive; It connotes that your conventional wisdom and governing laws are subordinate to them, and they remain the true touchstone upon which you measure the accuracy of your acquired knowledge and achievements from that knowledge.

Understanding The Comparison
Zambia is covering a total area of 752,612 km2 and is a home of over 19 million (m) people. When compared with other countries, across the globe, in terms of area coverage and the population size, Zambia should be poised to take care of itself without difficulties. Here is a glimpse of comparison: Rwanda (26,336 km2; 13.6 million), Japan (377,930 km2; 125.5 million), United Kingdom (242,900 km2; 68.5 million) and Haiti (27,750 km2; 11.7 million). If Zambia is to be juxtaposed with any of the above countries, in terms of the well-being of its people, any contradistinction would be imputed to what is been done to their abundant natural resources as guided by what is known, individually and collectively.

The Status Quo in Zambia
The current status quo is that Zambians have failed to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps despite being abound with natural resources to their disposition. It is experiential and a global knowledge that Zambia is inundated with a bevy of domestic and foreign debts so much so that Zambians are failing to afford staple and basic foods, let alone balanced diet. This betrays that the Zambian population is in a parlous position; far from being healthy. When it comes to the health sector, the Zambian health team is fissiparous. Moreover, Zambia does not produce any of healthcare products (drugs and equipment). Thus, the public health services rendered to the Zambian people are atrocious; there is no need to reference this as well, for it is of public knowledge.

Beyond reasonable doubt, true knowledge has been identified as the centerpiece to development and improved public health outcomes. As such, it is impossible to overstate the importance of improved education systems to every country. However, Zambia has been slow off the blocks and this lethargy, due to apathy, continues. As a result, the situation is from bad to worse; the Zambian population is unhealthy and fails to procure solutions to their problems. And If the powers that be do not crack the whip, as expected, Zambia will, presently, be down and out, in the land of plenty. It is axiomatic that the ruptured intrinsic tripod relationship, of the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Regulatory Bodies (RBs), is the deep-seated wellspring of Zambia’s interminable ill-health and abject poverty.

Way Forward:
As we, collectively, resolve the identified problems, critical thinking will be applied, and all stakeholders will be engaged in public lecturers and discussions, through a TV program.

Expected Benefits from The Program:
 The restoration of a lost intrinsic tripod relationship with value, respect and confidence amongst stakeholders.

 The program will highlight that there is no deus ex machina out of our problems; it is by dint of hard work and semper fidelis will success beats a path to our door.

 Zambia will be saved; it will be given a new lease of life, through overhauling the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Regulatory Bodies (RBs)

The balloon is up: it is time to debunk the bunkum and set the record straight!