The Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested a director of finance at the National Housing Authority, Charles Chewe, for failing to follow laid down procedure.
In a statement, Monday, ACC public relations manager Timothy Moono stated that Chewe allegedly awarded a contract to a debt collector without following procedure.
“The Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested a Director at the National Housing Authority (NHA) for failing to follow applicable laid down procedure. Charles Chewe (54), a Director of Finance at NHA has been charged with one (1) count of Wilful Failure to Follow Applicable Laid Down Procurement Procedures or Guidelines contrary to Section 34 (2) (b) as read with Section 41 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012,” stated Moono.
“Details of the offence are that on dates unknown but between 1st January 2012 and 31st December 2012 in Lusaka, Chewe, being a person employed in the Public Service by the National Housing Authority as Director of Finance did award a contract to Mr. Blackson Zulu, a Debt Collector without following applicable laid down procurement procedures or guidelines, pa transaction which concerns the National Housing Authority, a public body. Chewe has been released on bond and will appear in court soon.”