Police spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo says 26 people died in 23 separate road traffic accidents during the Heroes and Unity long weekend.
And Katongo says during the same period, K955,401.00 was raised from admission of guilt fines, countrywide.
In a statement, Wednesday, Katongo stated that 53 people were seriously injured in the same accidents.
“During the 2019 Heroes and Unity long weekend, 274 Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) were recorded out of which 23 were fatal in which 26 persons died, 26 were serious Road Traffic Accidents in which 53 persons were seriously injured, 67 were slight Road Traffic Accidents in which 81 persons were slightly injured.
Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of Road Traffic Accidents with 114 with seven deaths, followed by Central Province which recorded 48 RTAs with seven deaths, Copperbelt recorded 23 RTAs with two deaths, North Western, 20 RTAs with one death, Eastern, 18 RTAs with one death, Southern, 16 RTAs with two deaths while Northern and Western Provinces recorded the least with 07 Road Traffic Accidents each,” Katongo stated.
“In comparison with 2018 Heroes and Unity period, 300 Road Traffic Accidents were recorded out of which 24 accidents were fatal in which 27 persons died, 41 were serious Road Traffic accidents in which 113 persons were seriously injured compared to 53 persons seriously injured in 26 serious road traffic accidents recorded during the same period in 2019. The record shows a reduction in serious road traffic accidents and persons seriously injured by 15 and 60 respectively. 64 were slight Road Traffic Accidents in which 86 persons were slightly injured in 2018 compared to 67 slight Road Traffic Accidents where 81 persons were slightly injured in 2019.”
And Katongo said during the same period, K955,401.00 was raised from admission of guilt fines.
“The reduction in Traffic accidents is attributed to preventive measures put in place by the Zambia Police Service working in collaboration with other Stakeholders such as Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA). During the same period, K955,401.00 was raised in Admission of Guilt fines. The crime situation was generally peaceful Countrywide due to intensified foot and motorised Police patrols especially in identified crime hot spots,” stated Katongo.