THE Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has increased the pump price for petrol from K34.67 to K34.98 and diesel from K32.43 to K32.54. The board has also adjusted upwards the price of Kerosene from K28.67 to K29.56, while Jet A-1 has been increased from K31.49 to K32.51. In statement, Friday, ERB Board Chairperson James Banda attributed the increment to the increase in oil prices on the international market and the depreciation of the Kwacha against the United States dollar. “Since the last fuel price review on 31st December 2024, the international price of petrol increased by 3.15 percent, from US$78.33/bbl to US$80.80/bbl while the price of diesel increased by 6.41 percent from US$86.10/bbl to US$91.62/bbl. Further the price of kerosene on...

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