A STATE witness has testified in the Lusaka Magistrates’ Court that former Lusaka Province minister, Bowman Lusambo, owned properties in Chamba Valley valued at K22.8 million, despite his legitimate sources of income amounting to only K8.5 million. Mulenga Mulenga, an officer with the Anti-Corruption Commission, told the court that Lusambo earned about K7 million between 2016 and 2021. Lusambo is charged with two counts of possession of property reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime, contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010. During the trial before Chief Resident Magistrate Davies Chibwili, Mulenga recounted asking Lusambo about the sources of income used to develop his properties. Lusambo, however, chose to remain silent....

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