BADMINTON players Chongo Mulenga and Ogar Siamupangila have started their campaign at the All Africa Games on a bright note, registering 2-0 victories over their opponents yesterday. Mulenga beat Devins Nestar of Congo Brazzaville 2-0 with set scores of 21-10 and 21-12 to advance to the second round of the competition. Mulenga made his intentions known with two straight scores in the opening stages before Nestar pulled one back. He continued to dictate play in a dominant straight sets win. Zambia’s female top seed, Siamupangila, stepped up to edge Togolese Rolande Adjima 2-0 with set scores 21-10 and 21-9. The duo joined countrymates Kalombo Mulenga and Maildah Kalandanya, who enjoyed a bye in the first round. In the men’s singles...

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