Renowned Nigerian comedy duo, Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme popularly known as Aki and Popo have promised Zambia the best other than what they watch on television.
The comedy duo arrived in the country on Wednesday afternoon at the KK International airport and is expected to perform during a comedy night at Mukuba on the Copperbelt, before returning to Lusaka for a ‘gig’ at the New Government complex.
“I’m not quiet, I’m here to answer, now that you have asked me. We are actors we do stand-up comedy, we do MCs, we are just entertainers. We are here to give Zambia the best, apart from what they see on tele we are live, so they’re going to see live on stage.,” said Osita Iheme.
Yep! They two can talk, talk, talk and talk, and they are here to do just that.
“In Nigeria our duty is to make sure that other African countries emulate what we are doing. So if the government will support we can do that. Because it is very important for government to look into entertainment as another way of employing the youths and creating jobs. In my country entertainment creates a lot of jobs”.
And event promoter Trevor N’gandu commonly known as Uncle T said Zambia’s arts industry needed some improvements and that he hopes the coming of the Nigeria duo will help stir some change and enhancements in the movie industry.
“If you look at the arts in Zambia we need a lot of improvements. We have joined hands with diamond TV and Hot FM to see how best we can attain the goal and objectives we have. You know that Nollywood has been there for years. For them they’ve really improved a lot. So we said ‘I think we need you people to come and help us improvement art in Zambia and see how best we can do it,” said N’gandu.
The show will also feature performances by JK and Izrael who will be joined by Young Dizmo. Dizmo, by the way, is that kid that came to fame last month after displaying a freestyle rap at Lusaka’s Uncle T drinking joint. His video clip of some rap lyrics went viral and caught the attention of many.
A list of local comedians have also been lined up to help the Nigerian duo crack ribs; Bob Nkosha, Collins, Diffikoti and Bikiloni.