National Democratic Congress (NDC) Secretary General Mwenya Musenge says it is time Zambians opened their eyes and stopped the looting of public resources among government officials in the PF administration.

And Chishimba Kambwili says Zambia has a John Walker President who spends his time travelling, adding that as soon as he becomes Head of State, President Edgar Lungu will rot in jail because he stinks of corruption.

Musenge, Kambwili and other NDC leaders were in Mazabuka on Sunday to unveil the newly formed party.

Addressing residents at Polo grounds, Musenge said citizens had the right to question government leaders if they were not being prudent in the use of public resources.

“You live with your neighbour, you drink beer with him, you go to the field together everyday, but within a short time you find your neighbour has bought an expensive car, the wife has changed her dressing and lifestyle, surely you can’t ask him? Now if you ask the person is it an offence? You can imagine as a club you give money to your group member to be keeping, but suddenly only his house is able to afford fried chicken. How can you feel you ask him and he tells you that a rat ate the money? Can you accept,” Musenge asked.

“Inshita naisa mwebena Zambia iyakwisula amenso. Tufwile twaisula amenso nokumona ubutungulushi ubo tulimo (time has come dear Zambians to open your eyes. We must open our eyes and see the kind of leaders we have in government. A leader must go and serve the people not to go and get rich. When you say you want to become President, like Chishimba Kambwili says I want to be President, we even know why he wants to come and serve the Zambian people. He must not come to enrich himself because he already has his own money.”

Musenge said PF had taught him a lesson.

“Personally, I have learnt a lesson. Kambwili always reminds me of the mistake we made. I used to think that someone can repent and never do the same wrong again. But now I have learnt that uwakalema takaleka (a bad person never changes his habits). Our friends in State House, their mischief, if we don’t stop them, if we stop talking, if we don’t defend our country, we will all cry. We will not survive,” he said.

The former Copperbelt Province minister asked Mazabuka resident’s to accept NDC.

“My job here in Mazabuka today was to bring you this party. This party does not belong to me, it does not belong to Kambwili or anyone else. It’s for you, accept it. All of you here have got rights, that’s why in 1991, we said we wanted multipatism. multipatism means having different types of political parties. Those who want to belong to UPND have the right, others who want to belong to PF have the right, you who want to be part of NDC also have the right. But we have a government that is threatening other people. They don’t want us to appear on Radio or Television, the reporters from Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily Mail have been banned from covering us. But these media houses are using our taxpayers money,” said Musenge.

“When a government starts limiting public access to public media, then you must know that they have failed to govern. That is why we must not allow these people in government to continue in power. You can see they keep lying about creating thousands of jobs, but do you see those jobs? They only know how to steal. They have become rich together with their chola boys.”

And Kambwili said Zambia has a John walker President who spends more time travelling.

“What is the point of having a John Walker President who, everyday is on the plane going to SADC. Tomorrow again you are on the plane. You are wasting time, sit down. State House has a lot of things to do. Stop wasting our money. There is too much corruption in the PF government such that when I stand next to Edgar Lungu he stinks of corruption. I want to warn you Lungu, pray that I die and don’t become what you are today, because when I become President, you will rot in jail,” said Kambwili.