Residents of Kakaindu area of North Western Province yesterday rioted, damaging a local police station and leaving some officers injured.
The riots were in connection with information which went round that police were holding some suspects who had planned to gas some households, a trend which has caused disorder in other parts of the country like Chingola.
“There were riots in Kakaindu area of North Western Province. All started when some people went to report to Community Crime Prevention Unit in Manyama area that they heard some people planning to gas people and CCPU officers apprehended two people who were detained in Police custody at Kakaindu. When word went round that some people were in custody, a mob went to police and demanded for the suspect and ended up damaging Kakaindu police post leaving some officers with injuries. Reinforcement was sent and calm has been restored and police are still on the ground monitoring the situation,” police spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo stated, Friday.
She appealed to members of the public to desist from venting their anger on security infrastructure.
“We appeal to members of the public to disist from acts of venting their anger on security infrastructure because doing so may just worsen the security situation in their localities. Members should find better ways of bringing their concerns before authorities than damaging infrastructure which built for them to get security services. The current trend of destroying government structures is worrying and is a draw back for respective communities as security is meant for the same people destroying property,” stated Katongo.