TRADE Kings Group has announced the launch of Brothers Mocktails, a specially crafted ready-to-drink 330ml that is available in four flavours. Speaking during the launch, Thursday, Trade King’s Group Public Relations Manager Bridget Kambobe said BigTree Beverage had continued to provide unique consumer experience through brand, category, flavour, and packaging offerings. “BigTree Beverages announces the launch of Brothers Mocktails, a specially crafted ready-to-drink 330ml mocktail that is available in four elegant flavours – Cosmo, Strawberry Lime, Mojito, and Pina Colada. This uniquely positioned beverage provides consumers with a ready–to–drink mocktail option, which capitalises on the key beverage trends, namely affordability and accessibility. The Brothers Mocktails innovation has been built on the familiar and much-loved Brothers brand, adding a perfect balance...

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