THE Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded 521 additional student loans to eligible students at the Copperbelt University (CBU), Mukuba University and Chalimbana University. In a statement, Wednesday, HELSB Corporate Communications and Customer Services Manager Chiselwa Kawanda said these student loans were for the 2024/2025 academic year. “The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded additional student loans to post-first-year and first-year students at the Copperbelt University (CBU), Mukuba University, and Chalimbana University for the 2024/2025 academic year. HELSB awarded a total of 404 additional student loans at CBU, distributed as follows: 315 to post-first-year students, 79 to first-year students, 7 upgrades, and 3 under the First Capital Bank Scholarships. This brings the total number...