President Edgar Lungu, with his overwhelming numbers in Parliament will defeat the impeachment motion, says Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda.

Speaking to journalists at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport yesterday, Chanda said there was no offense which the Head of State had committed.

“If those members of parliament genuinely believe, of course I know that that is mere politicking, one they don’t have the numbers and two, there is no offense warrantying impeachment but if they think that they will be exercising their democratic right to check the Executive, but then you will not kill them because they are exercising their democratic right to one arm of government called Parliament. They have got the right to proceed and raise that motion but I can tell you straight away that there is no impeachable offense that the President has committed. He has not committed any offense warrantying that. But if somebody decides to waste Parliament’s time and bring frivolous motions before the House and attempt to do that, the President with his overwhelming numbers there will obviously defeat that motion,” said Chanda.

He spoke to journalists after President Lungu saw off King Mswati of the Kingdom of Swaziland who was in the country for a four-day visit.