A 38-year-old AVIC International driver has been dragged to court for allegedly stealing 165 x 50 kilograms bags of cement worth over K10,000, from the said company.
In this matter, Given Chingumbe of Lusaka is charged with one count of theft by servant contrary to section 278 and 272 of the penal code chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
Particulars of the offence allege that between July 13 and 14, this year, in Lusaka,Chingumbe being an employee of AVIC International company as a driver, stole 165×50 kilograms bags of cement valued K10,725, the property of the said employer.
When the matter came up for allocation, Lusaka chief resident magistrate Lameck Mwale allocated the matter to magistrate Felix Kaoma for plea and the suspect is expected to appear in court soon.