MR CHISHIMBA Kambwili once said “kapoli ni kapoli, nga wabula kapoli, wamufumya mumatipa, wamubika mung’anda, wamusambika, wamupela na fyakulya; ubushiku ukesula icibi, akafuma akawelela kumatipa pantu, kapoli ni kapoli.” Today, we are witnessing a Kapoli going back to swim in the mud after people help him out, clean him up and give him a dignified status. Strangely, Mr Kambwili doesn’t see that he has turned himself into a Kapoli and he still wants to continue misleading people that he is a principled man. There is no way imbwili can transform into a kapoli no matter how hard life becomes. So when you see a kapoli going back to swim in the mad after being washed, you must know that this...