Muvi TV proprietor Stephen Nyirenda has been dragged to court by his recently divorced wife Lesa Kasoma over a house which they reside in.

According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court principal registry on November 17, 2017, the duo made a verbal agreement in 2012 to renovate the house and turn it into a jointly owned property.

Lesa, who is being represented by lawyers from Simeza Sangwa and Associates, stated that they also agreed that she would contribute K160,000 towards renovations, which she did apart from being instrumental to the planning and designing.

“Since the completion of the said works in or about 2012, the Plaintiff, the Defendant as a couple, together with the children of the family have been residing at the said property. Sometime in the year 2014, the Plaintiff who was concerned that the Defendant would not honour the oral agreement of 2012, had the Defendant sign a document acknowledging that he had received the sum of K160,000 from the Plaintiff for the purposes of renovating the property,” read the statement of claim in part.

“Following the divorce granted by the Chelstone Local Court on 11th November, 2017, the Defendant has in breach of the terms of the agreement made it quite clear by his words and conduct that he refuses to recognize or acknowledge that the Plaintiff has any interest in the property and in spite of requests made both orally and in writing, he has refused to discuss the matter at all with either the Plaintiff or her legal advisers.”

She went further to state that Nyirenda had threatened to evict her from the house after the divorce was granted.

Lesa is now seeking an order that the house is jointly owned or that the house must be sold and the proceedings be shared according to the trust.

She also wants compensation for breach of contract.