THE cost of living for a family of five in Lusaka for November has reduced to K9,060.60 from the K9, 294.76 recorded in October, signifying a reduction of K234.16. According to the JCTR Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB), the reduction is attributed to the reduced average price of mealie meal which reduced from K229 per 25 kg to K220.71 per 25 kg as well as charcoal and kapenta. In a statement yesterday, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) Social and Economic Development Programme Manager Muchimba Siamachoka explained that the average price of charcoal reduced from K461 per 90kg bag to K350 per 90kg bag while kapenta reduced from K297.10 per kg to K250.49 per kg. “The cost of living...