Renowned UPND youth, Innocent Kalimanshi who was arrested during failed rally in Lusaka’s Kanyama compound over a week ago, has been granted K8,000 cash bail.
Kalimanshi appeared before Lusaka resident magistrate Brian Simachela and pleaded not guilty to a charge of conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.
Magistrate Simachela granted the accused K8,000 cash with two working sureties who are expected to pay K5,000 each.
His appearance in court today follows a High Court order of Habeas Corpus that he asked for after suing the state for unlawful detention.
The Lusaka High Court on Monday granted an order compelling the state to take Kalimanshi to court so that he could be tried.
The accused was initially charged with proposing violence but later the charge was changed to conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace.