United Progressive People president Saviour Chishimba’s lawyer says he is being held for using word like “foolishness and bupumbu” in a video.
Lillian Mushota told News Diggers! in an interview at Woodlands Police Station where Saviour is detained that police would charge him with Defamation of the President.
“He used words like ‘foolishness’ in a video, ‘ chalo chakwa wiso nangu chakwa noko?’, ‘you will go to the land of the dead where you belong’ and ‘bupumbu bupumbu.’ So this is what they have called Defamation of the President under section 69 of CAP 87,” said Mushota.
“His message to the supporters is that they should remain calm and watch where this is going because until they have established that this is what they are after, they are looking for something to charge him with, I think they are fishing.”
And Police Spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo also confirmed in statement that Chishimba had been detained at Woodlands Police Station after interrogating him for two hours 45 minutes.
“Police have Warned and Cautioned the United Progressive People President , Saviour Chishimba of Makeni, Lusaka for the Offence of Defamation of President which is contrary to Section 69 of Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia which occurred on 1st July, 2017 and 8th July, 2017 in Lusaka. He has since been detained in Police custody and will be charged once the officers are done with the processes,” stated Katongo.
3 responses
What kind of law is practiced in Zambia? I mean, how do you arrest a person without a charge? In other civilizations a police officer has to charge you then place you in custody. For instance the officer would tell the suspect, “you are under arrest for…..” Then they slap cuffs on the suspect. Without a charge the judge would throw out the case. Also, there are no such thing as amendment of changes. If you don’t get it the first time, the suspect walks free. The law is on the side of the People.
In Zambia it’s the reverse. Why?
1PLUS1 your math is wrong buddy. Police throughout the world can arrest anybody on suspicion then charge them while in detention. In most country the Police are allowed to keep a suspect up to 72 hours (3days) without charge.
1PLUS1 your math is wrong buddy. Police throughout the world can arrest anybody on suspicion then charge them while in detention. In most countries the Police are allowed to keep a suspect up to 72 hours (3days) without charge.