There is a Tsunami coming for the Patriotic Front and nothing will hold it, says Roan PF member of parliament Chishimba Kambwili.

And Kambwili has invited former Minister of Foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba to join him in offering political consultancy to his newly formed National Democratic Congress.

Meanwhile, Kambwili has complained that President Edgar Lungu has squeezed his businesses.

In an interview Wednesday, Kambwili said Kalaba’s resignation was a sign that a revolution was on its way.

“There is a revolution coming. People of Zambia are no longer interested in Edgar Lungu’s leadership because people have seen that we can not go anywhere with a President who is corrupt. President Lungu is corrupt and I can go on holiday to confirm his corruption,” Kambwili said.

“There is a revolution and people will be so shocked because they think the people of Zambia are so stupid. If I were [Minister of Home Affairs Stephen] Kampyongo, I would not even be talking in public because insoni ebuntu. But bakabolala bali pama, tabakwata insoni. Balishipa, balipama, nibapompwe! Bamunshiibila insala! Nibakabolala!(They are shameless thieves)… I can only tell you that a revolution is coming. You know when a revolution is coming, even the least person you expect will be the first one to turn against you. If you remember very well, Harry Kalaba was presidential spokesperson when Edgar Lungu was coming into office, very close ally in the campaign. Can you believe it today that Harry Kalaba can resign from Lungu’s government?

There is a tsunami coming, a revolution that nobody will hold.”

Kambwili said he had given out so much evidence of corruption but President Lungu was failing to act.

“I held a press briefing where I gave details where Kampyongo had bought a truck by Grandview using a cheque. And this truck is registered in Kampyongo’s younger brother who has no economical activity at all. The man depends on Kampyongo. And today Kampyongo can sit and act as chief government spokesperson, as Minister of Home Affairs then you say that Lungu is serious about the fight against corruption. We know that Grandview supplied the fire tenders which were extremely over priced and Kampyongo was the Minister of Home Affairs. I gave information about some other items that were given to him, no action was taken. Again I gave details of the truck bought using a cheque. Grandview wrote the cheque and went and bought that truck and registered it…and he is still Minister of Home Affairs under Lungu,” he said.

“This mukula they are talking about, 10 of the trucks have been proved to belong to ZAFFICO but for the 11 trucks, the documents are not in ZAFFICO. And those boys they are now intimidating have all the details of the papers that those truck drivers were carrying. To make matters worse, a State House vehicle which is the official vehicle for Kaizer Zulu, was captured on camera even by the toll gate. If those mukula really were not for State House, what was the role of Kaiser Zulu in that transaction? Does Kaiser Zulu work for ZAFFICO? If the question is no, why are they telling us that those trucks belong to ZAFFICO? Kaiser Zulu is the one who went and paid for those drivers to be accommodated at the lodge they were accommodated. What are you taking the people of Zambia for? Fools? That is why I am saying there is a revolution coming. The moment Lungu realises that things are not okay for him and probably resign, the better for him.”

He also accused Housing and Infrastructure Minister Ronald Chitotela of being corrupt.

And when asked if he would invite Kalaba to join the NDC, Kambwili said just like him, Kalaba was a PF member of parliament, but he was welcome to join NDC as a political consultant. Honorable Kalaba and I are PF. But joining me in giving political consultancy to NDC, he is more than welcome. He can also join the list of consultants. There is room for more consultants”.

Meanwhile, Kambwili complained that President Lungu had squeezed all his businesses but said succeeding in politics was not about money.

“My dear sister it is not about finances. If it was about finances PF wouldn’t have beaten MMD. It is about genuineness about what you are doing. Engaging the people of Zambia, to tell them that we are able to differentiate sense from nonsense. We are able to offer an alternative, that is what matters, it is not about finances. MMD had so much money they were even dressing dogs with their vitenges. They lost to PF, they didn’t have the money. Even now as we have formed NDC, we have been squeezed. If I explain to you the way I have been squeezed financially, you wouldn’t believe it,” Kambwili complained.

Edgar Lungu is not a Christian as he states. I just don’t want to talk about what he has done to me because for me, that is secondary and I have gone through it. I was squeezed in 2001, 2002 by [Frederick] Chiluba, MMD, I was only saved by Levy Mwanawasa who said ‘this is not right, let entrepreneurs flourish whether they are in the opposition’, I got back to my business. Again I have been squeezed beyond reasonable doubt but it is not about finances and the truth of the matter is that Edgar Lungu and those who are squeezing me will not be in office for the rest of their lives. I was not born a businessman, so they will move out and I will continue with my business. Just like when Chiluba left politics, I continued with my business.”

He warned that those who live by the sword would die by the sword.

“Lungu wants to close genuine businesses that we do but he wants to continue plundering national resources, I have never plundered national resources, I do genuine business. He has squeezed my genuine business to the last bone. The Bible says he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword because this man thinks he will be President for the rest of his life. Please remind him that there is a ceiling in the constitution how many years you can serve as President. I will come and shame him one day,” said Kambwili.