The University of Zambia management has allocated the exclusive male residence commonly known as Ruins to female students in a bid to stop riots.
In a statement issued by UNZA Public Relations Manager Damaseke Chibale today, the deicion was also arrived at because the male residents were fond of being hostile towards female members of the public including lecturers.
“Management of the University of Zambia has noticed with great concern that over the years, most riots are organised in the exclusive male students’ residence, mainly referred to as Ruins. Further, the behaviour of the male exclusive residents tend to be hostile towards female members of the public who include students, staff and visitors of the university. To moderate this unfriendly behaviour, management has decided to give the front hostels of International, President, Kwacha and Africa to female students on the swap basis,” stated Chibale.
“This means that all male students who were accommodated in the earmarked hostels would be taken to New Residence hostels to occupy rooms left by female students who will be taken to old residence hostels. It should be emphasized here that no student involved in this rearrangement would lose his/ her accommodation.”