INSPECTOR General of Police Lemmy Kajoba has assured the public that all crimes reported during the previous government are receiving adequate attention from his command.

Meanwhile, the Zambia Police and security from ZESCO have arrested some criminals in Lusaka and on the Copperbelt for stealing Duplex ZESCO cables which supply power from ZESCO poles to residences.

According to a statement issued by Police spokesperson Esther Katongo, Tuesday, Kajoba assured the general public that cases perceived to have dragged or to be inactive were now very active.

He added that it was not in the police’s interest to hurriedly present matters before Court only to record an acquittal, discharge or Nolle prosequi, but a conviction.

“Inspector General of Police Mr Lemmy Kajoba has assured members of the public that all crimes that were reported to police during the previous government and are perceived to have dragged or to be inactive are receiving adequate attention by the current Police Command. Mr Kajoba said Police will ensure that all the cases that were reported to Police and cited in the petition that was presented to police yesterday by Mr Bene Hachoombwa will be brought to a conclusive end and it is only then that those who will be found wanting will be seen appearing in the Courts of Law,” the statement read.

“He added that it was not in the police’s interest to hurriedly present matters before Court only to record an acquittal, discharge or Nolle prosequi but a conviction. He reiterated that his command will not sweep any criminal matter under the carpet saying all matters that were dragging were now very active as the law does not look at individuals alleged to have committed the offence but the crime committed.”

And in a separate statement, Katongo disclosed that the Police and security from ZESCO had arrested some criminals in Lusaka and on the Copperbelt for stealing Duplex ZESCO cables.

She warned those in the habit to desist immediately as the law would soon catch up with them.

“As Zambia Police, we have observed an increase in the number of reports in which criminals have been stealing Duplex ZESCO cables which supply power from ZESCO poles to residences. We wish to state that Police and security from ZESCO have arrested some criminals in Lusaka and on the Copperbelt for the same criminal act. We are warning those in this criminal habit to desist forthwith as the law will soon catch up with them. Police have intensified night foot patrols in communities and will not spare anyone who will be found loitering in awkward places during awkward hours,” Katongo stated.

“All Officers in Charge of Police Stations and Police Posts have been activated to be on the lookout for criminals behind this criminal act. In Kalulushi, two male juveniles aged 12 years and 14 years were arrested in the early hours of today while their father Robson Musonda escaped and a search for him has been launched. In Lusaka, two suspected vandals identified as Joseph Ngosa aged 37 of Kalingalinga Compound and Robert Mpundu aged 33 of Chipata Compound have been arrested for allegedly stealing cables. The suspects are detained in police custody and operations with a view of arresting other criminals involved have continued.”