CEC Liquid Telecom has downplayed the raid by a combined team of police and ZICTA officers at their offices yesterday.
In a statement, CEC claimed that the ‘visit’ by ZICTA and state police was part of their compliance enforcement.
“We wish to advise that the CEC Liquid Telecom office was visited yesterday by the ZICTA Compliance Enforcement team as part of their compliance enforcement relating to unlicensed international operators suspected of using CEC Liquid Telecom’s infrastructure. In the process, certain PoPs were selected,” the company stated.
“CEC Liquid Telecom is cooperating fully with ZICTA in this regard to ensure swift resolution of this matter.”
CEC claimed the raid had nothing to do with phone taping.
“We further wish to state that the allegation linking the ZICTA visit to phone tapping and/or other activities as reported by some media is completely false and CEC Liquid Telecom is in no way connected to or affected by that,” CEC claimed.
“We wish to assure you that CEC Liquid Telecom remains, as always, committed to operating in a manner fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulatory rules.”
CEC stated that their customers would not be affected.
“Kindly note that services to customers contracted and billed directly by CEC Liquid Telecom have not and will not be affected at all by this exercise,” stated CEC.