In a tumultuous tale of marital strife, Onesmus Simambo, a 46-year-old man from John Laing, made a shocking revelation in court, claiming that his wife, Prisca Njobvu, had used black magic (juju), to render his manhood dysfunctional. The courtroom drama unfolded as the couple, married for 19 years, sought a divorce, with each party hurling accusations of infidelity, misdeeds, and even accusations of a most unusual nocturnal visitation. Simambo, a guard from John Laing, poured out his grievances before Magistrate Peggy Nyambe, accusing Njobvu of employing supernatural means to interfere with his manhood’s wellbeing. The startling revelation added a surreal twist to an already complex marital saga. Simambo lamented that his wife’s suspicions of infidelity had led her to resort...

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