LUSAKA Magistrate Trevor Kasanda has sentenced a former Muvi television security guard to six years imprisonment with hard labour for theft. Magistrate Kasanda jailed Kabamba Mwape in order to deter would-be offenders. Mwape was initially jointly charged with Kambani Kapila, Kelvin Kambila, and Shownslous Mwanza with one count of breaking into a building with intent to commit a felony. Kapila earlier admitted having broken into Muvi television studios and stealing various items and was sentenced to six years imprisonment. On the other hand, Mwape, Kambila and Mwanza pleaded not guilty and trial commenced in the matter. Kambila and Mwanza were, however, acquitted while Mwape was found with a case to answer and placed on his defence. In this matter, it...