THE Auditor General’s Special Audit Report on RDA has revealed that NRFA overpaid three subcontractors engaged to undertake drainage works by over K3 million for works valued at K9,325,753. The report has further indicated that RDA’s decision to direct bid AVIC-International (Z) Limited to complete works at Choma, Kafulafuta and Mwanawasa toll sites was questionable in that there was no timeline availed to demonstrate the urgency for doing so. According to the report, NRFA paid amounts totalling K12,514,499 to three contractors who were engaged by Sable Transport to undertake drainage works costing K16,600,000. The report stated that NRFA, however, overpaid the subcontractors by K3,188,746 as only works valued at K9,325,753 were certified. “Overpayment to Subcontractors: Part 3.1.6 (iv) (j) of...

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