Patriotic Front Luapula Province Chairperson Nickson Chilangwa says the province will back President Edgar Lungu’s candidacy at the 2020 General Conference because of the rate at which developmental programmes are being rolled out.

According to a statement issued by PF media director Sunday Chanda today, Chilangwa, who is also Luapula Province Minister, described the Head of Stateb as a transformational leader who has managed to build on late President Michael Sata’s vision of taking development to all parts of the country including areas where the PF receives minimal votes.

Chilangwa also said President Lungu was a good leader because he was uniting the country across tribal lines.

In an interview with Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), Chilangwa, said contrary to assertions in some quarters that expressing confidence in President Lungu would distract him from delivery, the Province feels that the Head of State like any other deserved a pat on the back and the endorsements were a way of encouraging him to keep on delivering for Zambia.

Chilangwa has since advised all party members to stand with President Lungu and his administration as Patriotic Front implements the 2016-2021 Election Manifesto.

The Luapula Provincial Chairperson has also called on senior members in the Party to lead by example if they are to inspire the ordinary members to uphold discipline.

He said the party should insist on discipline starting with the leadership down to the structures.

Chilangwa appealed to Zambians across the country to continue standing with the PF even as tough decisions were being made.

“While challenges and tough decisions would have to be made, these are designed to position Zambia as one of Africa’s top investment destinations. He cited the 75% tariff increment and bemoaned the lack of investment in the energy sector owing to low and unattractive electricity tariffs. He further clarified that contrary to assertions by certain circles, the 75% tariff increment was not a political but economic matter,” stated Chanda.

“Referring to the 2016-2021 election manifesto on page 61, Hon Chilangwa stated that under Energy, the Patriotic Front promised to attain cost reflective tariffs by 2019, thereby promoting Independent Power Producers (IPPs) to invest in power generation. He emphasized that the Patriotic Front 2016-2021 election manifesto promised to allow ZESCO to make a profit and recapitalise. He said in this context, all Patriotic Front members collectively own the election manifesto and the promises therein and must work to ensure the Party delivers.”